Whey vs Soy vs Pea : which protein is right for you?

In the midst of rising healthy lifestyle trend in 2015, we decided to join the wave. To get stronger we knew one thing, we needed to increase our protein daily intake. With tight schedule, it was impossible to do the meal prep. So our friend recommended us to whey protein, which was such a great suggestion. Unfortunately, we found out that we’re lactose intolerant, after a week we took the whey protein. We had upset stomach, and acne!!!. At this point, have you ever experienced
How often do you feel gassy and bloated?How often do you suffer from flatulence?How often do you have a stuffy nose?How often do you feel excess mucous production in your head and throat?
if the answer is Yes, Welcome to the club you might be lactose intolerant/protein intolerant

In certain individuals (those without enough lactase enzyme activity), undigested lactose passes through the stomach into the intestines where it must be fermented. Through this process, lots of gas is formed, causing stomach cramps, bloating, flatulence, and diarrheas.
Milk Protein Allergy/Intolerance
In addition to the above, symptoms can be a result of milk protein allergy/intolerance. While casein protein has been implicated in more cases of milk protein problems than whey, both milk proteins can cause similar issues. This is due to the fact that in some individuals, casein and whey can cause an excessive inflammatory immune response. This leads to mucous production. And high mucous means blocked airways, stuffy noses, and thick throats.
At this point, many of you may think about Isolate whey protein, which contains little amount of lactose but if the problem is milk protein itself, changing one whey to another might not help in this case.
Here is practical suggestion
1. switch the brand
Different supplemental milk protein products may have various level of lactose and protein concentration which affect to each individuals differently. So you can give a try before giving up on Whey protein.
2. Change protein types
Considering having vegan protein as your go to protein instead of supplemental milk protein products.
Back in the day, we decided to take the second suggestion by changing protein type Soy protein became our choice due to the following reasons.
easy to find
free from lactose
free from milk protein
having all essential amino acids (complete source of protein)
acceptable taste
high in protein content

after a year of embracing healthy lifestyle, one of us developed PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome). And we found out that apart from its GMOs controversy, soy may impact hormonal levels, as isoflavones produce weak estrogen-like substances in the body. When you eat lots of soy, it has the potential to disrupt estrogen-sensitive systems in your body, including the reproductive system (which includes the brain, the pituitary gland and the reproductive organs), says Patisaul. However, studies have shown that soy protein does not significantly increase circulating estradiol levels in humans consuming soy.
Lastly, soy is one of the 8 most common allergens . Many who are allergic to soy protein must avoid it completely.

On the contrary to soy, Pea protein shares less controversies regarding its production, health impacts, and GMOs. and it’s hypoallergenic. So we changed to take pea protein instead of soy. but we found that most of the brands in the market couldn’t make good taste pea protein.
Up to this point, if you are still reading, we bet you once tried bad taste pea protein shake before. and we feel you that’s why we meticulously crafted our pealicious vegan lean protein. all because we know by heart that its a good source of protein
high protein content,
vegan friendly
easy to digest
soy free
lectin free
gluten free
lactose free
dairy free
GMOs free

We had been searching for the highest quality source of golden pea in Europe. Golden pea that we choose is a range of highly pure pea protein isolates that provide high levels of nutrition and functionality. This non-dairy protein is the sustainable, clean-label and effective alternative to other protein isolates. To minimise the unwanted taste of pea protein, in stead of adding artificial colour and flavour, we use a lot of real cacao powder per serving, so you can expect the richness of chocolaty pea protein and for the sweetener we use natural Stevia to keep it clean and safe for everyone
and Eurekaaaaaa!!!! we made it !! Dark chocolate pea protein with greatest taste ever
We don’t do this because it’s trendy but being healthy is lifestyle and we have mission here to make vegan easy healthy lifestyle